La libido sexual se define como la energía que mueve e impulsa a
la persona dentro de un contexto social o familiar. Dicha energía sexual, es inconsciente y tiene la capacidad de
desplazarse a la conciencia para llevar a cabo la toma de decisiones en la
vida. Las perturbaciones mentales no son inconscientes, sino del orden de la
conciencia. Esto significa que lo que enferma es “el yo” o parte consciente de la
personalidad, debido a que las manifestaciones de dicha energía sexual producen
perturbaciones al yo, debido a que con la misma libido sexual con que se hace
el amor, es con la misma libido con la que se trabaja, se ama, se lleva a cabo
un proyecto, se odia, se desea. Digamos que no es tanto una cuestión de falta o
no de energía sexual sino de saber entender cómo la energía sexual pasa a
través de unos “depuradores mentales “ para poder acceder como energía en la
conciencia. Podemos semejarlo al petróleo en bruto. Es un material que si no
pasa por un proceso químico de refinación, no puede usarse como combustible.
Esto mismo sucede con la energía sexual en su “estado puro”. Debe pasar a
través de una parte de la mente, llamada “preconsciente” que será la encargada
de hacerla útil para la conciencia. El proceso de enfermarse es mas del orden
con que dicho proceso de “refinamiento” de la energía sexual falla. La persona
tiene una “fábrica” no del todo adecuada para transformar dicha energía en
estado puro en una energía útil para su conciencia. Sucede entonces que la
libido accede a la conciencia y la persona se encuentra con una energía fuerte,
poderosa pero no sabe qué hacer con ella y encima contamina su conciencia. De
ahí la necesidad de un psicoanálisis para entender qué mecanismo no han logrado
establecerse o mejor dicho, qué se ha constituido de menos o demás en dicha
personalidad que altera el proceso de “depuración” de la libido sexual.
Absolutamente todos los problemas o trastorno mentales tiene una base
inconsciente sexual. Cualquier persona, aunque no quiera sufre o padece los
efectos de su energía sexual. Cuando no logra acceder por los caminos
habituales, el cuerpo suele ser una manera de depurar dicha energía sexual. La
fibromialgia, las ulceras, los trastornos de la circulación, numerosos síntomas
neurológicos, cardiacos, respiratorios y cancerígenos, son modos de depurar
dicha energía sexual. Es la denominada enfermedad psicosomática. Algo de la
psiquis, en este caso la libido sexual, se ha canalizado a través del cuerpo y
los órganos se han erotizado, es decir, toman otra dimensión como órganos que
ahora duelen o sufren el paso de la energía sexual a través de ellos. Lo
verdaderamente impresionante es ver cómo la terapia del psicoanálisis es capaz
de volver a reconducir la libido sexual por los canales adecuados. Y sorprende
ver cómo se cura la fibromialgia y numerosos síntomas o enfermedades que son
mas del orden de lo psíquico y que se han manifestado en el cuerpo.
domingo, 24 de agosto de 2014
domingo, 17 de agosto de 2014
We are finding a sympton very common in a
lot of pacients, which are suffering of an imbalance emotional becouse the
relationship with theirs mother is harmful. The cause is the personality of the
I have defined these kinds of mother as:
castrating mother or toxic mother. Im going to try to explain this. What is a
castrating/toxic mother? Is a mother which the dependence with his children is
anormal, patologic. When i study theses mothers, i can see that mother and
child are not two but one. The umbilical cord has not been cuted. And mother
can not separe to her child from herself. The repercutions in this relationship
are demolition on the personality and life of the cild, becouse the first repercution
about him, is the lost of the security in himself. These children must ask
theirs mother everything that they want to do, and they never dare to do
something without talking theirs mother. These mothers are possesive. They
produce in theirs child fixations toward her figure, and these children have
serious problems to stablish relationship with other people. Because they are
castrasted for the great figure of theirs mothers. We can find even that many
homosexual people are produced for the fixation that they have with their
mother. I can tell that the mother is for these castrated people, the only
love, but in an unconscious way. They dont know that this toxic mother has
produced in they a fixation of their sexuality about her. And when as time
goes, they end up alone, and suffering to much, becouse the want to have a
normal life, but inconscioustly they can not have it, becouse the toxic mother
had produced in they an irreparable harm. Only with psichoanalysis therapy is
possible to repare this damage and built another life without the inconscious
influence of theirs mothers.
castrating mother,
toxic mother
The mayor o minor severity of OCD is
related to the degree of repression of the subject and the amount of his moral
or censorship.
The anguish that fells an obsessive
pacient lets to view his relationship with his sexual libido, which would be
the inconscious place of the begin of conflicts
that oblígate to him to do symptoms until the impossible.
Conflict is a struggle where their
unconscious desires, try to impose on the conscience. Conscience of obsessive
usually are the sum of family morality and social morality.
Let's say that when the
unconscious desires, show in the
conscious, is the voice of the father, mother or social conscience who judge
those desires.
The conflict is a conflict of interest,
because if it is true that the unconscious of obsessive as any personality does
not think, does not judge and does not calculate. From this, the conscious part of the personality be
responsability. The unconscious only wants to manifest in all its expression, although
the expression of its desires is always amoral, that is to say, for the
unconscious there is no censorship, is energy in its purest form, energy has to
be channeled as libido sexual unconscious, it is the energy that moves the
person. An example would be crude oil, until it is refined and passed through a
series of processes, may not be suitable for use as energy. The unconscious
would that crude oil must be refined in order to make use of it. What fails so
in obsessive is the mechanism of censorship. Let's say that in the early years
of childhood, had an obsessive early sexual discovery that made him tolerant
of those who came to wish his conscience. Developing your moral over time is to
contain those desires once gave him exquisite pleasure, so like many obsessives desires are refered to
children, to homosexuality, to the father, mother, brothers. All the obsessive
thoughts are related to the first stage of human sexual development. What had
to be censored or repressed, was postponed and now, there is a moral
consciousness acting against the demonstration in awareness of child sexual
desires that must be repressed and censored at the time but were not.
Then Obsessive afraid is your sexual libido. The interest
that follows the sexual awakening in him as a child but now as from today and
from the moral conscience and what he can not to take again becouse it was a source of
childish pleasure, something forbiden jus right now in his adult life.
mental disorder,
mental problems,
obssesive disorder,
ocd homosexual,
La mayor o menor gravedad del trastorno
obsesivo compulsivo guarda relación con el grado de represión del sujeto y con
la cuantía de su moral o censura.
La angustia que siente el obsesivo
permite ver su relación con su libido sexual, que sería de donde parte todo el
conflicto que le lleva a hacer síntomas hasta de lo imposible.
El conflicto es una lucha donde sus deseos inconscientes, tratan de imponerse
en la conciencia. La conciencia moral del obsesivo suele ser la suma de la
moral familiar y de la moral social. Digamos que frente a la aparición de sus
deseos inconscientes, en el obsesivo, es la voz del padre, de la madre o de la
conciencia social quienes juzgan dichos deseos.
El conflicto es un conflicto de
intereses, porque si bien es cierto que el inconsciente del obsesivo-como el de
cualquier persona- no piensa, no juzga y no calcula. De esto, ya se encarga el
yo o la parte consciente de la personalidad. El inconsciente sólo quiere
manifestarse en toda su expresión, si bien es cierto que la expresión de sus
deseos siempre es amoral, es decir, para el inconsciente no hay censura, es
energía en su estado puro, energía que tiene que canalizarse ya que la libido
sexual inconsciente, es la energía que
mueve a la persona. Un ejemplo sería el petróleo crudo, hasta que no es
refinado y pasa por una serie de procesos, no puede ser apto para usarse como
energía. El inconsciente sería ese petróleo crudo que debe ser refinado para
poder hacer uso del mismo. Lo que falla por así de decirlo en el obsesivo es el
mecanismo de censura. Digamos que en los primeros años de la infancia, el
obsesivo tuvo un descubrimiento sexual precoz que le hizo ser tolerante con
aquellos deseos que acudían a su conciencia. El desarrollo de su moral con el
tiempo es para contener aquellos deseos que alguna vez le proporcionaron un
goce exquisito. Siendo así que muchos deseos de los obsesivo hacen referencia a
niños, a la homosexualidad, hacia el padre, la madre, los hermanos. Todos las
ideas obsesiva tienen relación con la primera etapa del desarrollo sexual
humano. Lo que tuvo que ser censurado o reprimido, se postergó y ahora, hay una
conciencia moral que actúa contra la manifestación en la conciencia de los
deseos sexuales infantiles que debieron ser reprimidos y censurados en su
momento pero que no lo fueron.
El obsesivo por lo tanto, a lo que tiene
miedo es a su libido sexual. Al interés que lo sexual sigue despertando en él
como cuando niño pero ahora, desde la actualidad y desde la conciencia moral ya
no puede retomar lo que en su momento, fue fuente de placer infantil.
domingo, 10 de agosto de 2014
I've worked with people suffering
depression for twenty years. I thought at first that all depressions were
organic and that patients need to take medicine to heal. As time went on, I
realized that if the origin of a depression can never be cured is not analyzed.
Psychoanalysis therapy for the treatment of depression makes a person with
depression for years, to get out of depression in two months by going to
therapy three or four times a week. Patients themselves may not believe that
their depression is cured. Psychoanalysis has discovered that the origin of
depression is unconscious. when a person loses the desire to live, there is
always a cause that has produced the loss of desire. Sadness, loss of love for
loved ones, produce guilt in the person suffering depression and this closed
circle makes the person can not get out. The person suffering from depression
knows not want to live but not know "does not want to live." the
person feels a part of her strip back and not allowed to live. This means that
the unconscious part has caught the ego, the self. The person lives in a deep,
dark well but does not know how to get out. man lives in a balance between the
life instinct and the death instinct. The life instinct is that instinct which
makes us do things in life.
but the death instinct is that instinct
which leads us quietly to death. when the balance between the life instinct and
the death instinct breaks, depression appears. the person suffering depression
is trapped by the death instinct and the instinct for life has lost power and
the death instinct now reigns over the person. only knowing the cause that has
produced this imbalance, it is possible to restore the lost strength to the
life instinct. cure a depression means fighting against the powerful death
instinct. how to fight is to know the causes that have produced this imbalance
and this is psychoanalysis therapy. (To be continued)
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