Grupo Cero School of Psychoanalysis
Sigmund Freud Seminar
3rd Call.
January 16, 2021
Welcome to Sigmund Freud Weekly. My name is Miguel Martínez and they are a Psychoanalyst from the Grupo Cero School of Psychoanalysis. Today we are introduced to the study of the psychoanalytic field, the field of desire, work and love, where the subject's way of living and dying is put into play.
Freud tells us that there are three types of dreams. A first type, which made sense and understandability, a second type of dream, which although it made sense, had no understandability, and finally, a third type of dream, which neither made sense nor understandability. After all a research work, he concluded that the three types of dreams were different forms of the same: the disguised realization of a repressed infantile sexual desire, understanding sexual desire as the engine that moves the life of the subject.
In psychoanalysis we understand by sexuality, the relationships of the subject with others. The way of loving, desiring, pacting, hating, working, destroying and self-destructing in each one of us is determined by our desires and how these desires make us relate to others.
If it is a question of introducing ourselves to psychoanalysis, we would have to start by saying that until the opposite is proven (in 120 years the opposite has not been proven) psychoanalysis is a science that has an object of knowledge - the unconscious - together with a system theoretical that regulates the modes of appropriation of the subject of its internal reality and its external reality determined by its internal psychic reality. I mean that your reality is conditioned by the way in which I (second topic) relates to your unconscious part, as we will see throughout this seminar.
Throughout the 120 years that psychoanalysis has been a science, its study has always generated ideological, philosophical and even theoretical prejudices against accepting the existence of an unconscious part within the person that absolutely regulates all their relationships with others and with the reality.
Hence, introducing ourselves into psychoanalysis will be, without further ado, transforming our lives, reasons for which arise what we will call the concept of resistance, which are oppositions, brakes on change even for the better, an ambiguous concept for psychoanalysis because in psychoanalysis good / bad, good / bad are ideological moral concepts for each person and our unconscious, as we will see it does not distinguish but conscience. Hence, you know that this is not good for you and you continue to do it.
The man wants to succeed in business and I can't, the young lady wants to be loved and always finds the opposite of what she wants. The answer is that to change what we want to change we have to face five resistances: three of the Self, one of the Super-ego and another of the It, therefore changing and achieving what we want passes through overcoming these five resistances of the psychic apparatus that everything the world has.
When 40 years ago the School of Psychoanalysis, the first in Spain, opened its headquarters in Madrid, it was a social irruption where it called into question the socio-psychological-operational practices and techniques that were more or less concerned with caring for mental health at that time. Because until then, it was difficult to think that there was an unknown part of the mind because there was no study that accounted for it. It was only perceived that the person made his work, his family and personal relationships, his economy, his body sick without being able to explain it. Even supposing that there was an external cause that had made him ill, it was seen most of the time that there was no external cause, but internal but there was no theory that could account for it.
And with surprise it was observed that in the face of the same external event, some people became ill and others did not, therefore, it was thought that there is something within every subject that leads them to a successful or failed experience in relation to all aspects of their life .
Successes / failures regulated by guilt and by the management of the almost omnipotent instance that is the Superego or moral conscience of the subject.
Not only those who want to fail but those who can. Sick life (love, work, family, money) is more a decision of our unconscious desires than of reality itself. And for the conscientious / rationalists, we will say that the person under his unconscious desires, can use any circumstance of his real life both to succeed and to fail.
Therefore, if psychoanalysis is a new science, it must have an object of knowledge that belongs to it and that object that belongs to it as knowledge must have the characteristics of transformation if we apply a work to it with a theoretical instrument.
We say that for psychoanalysis that object is the unconscious and to say this is to say that psychic (mental) life has changed its look. He no longer looks from where he understands or loves, but looks from what he does not know. Science, then, that opens a new ideological field, of knowledge, not known by the subject.
The word subject is a word that is generated as a philosophical opposition to the word man. So as a science, we will have to ask ourselves every time we talk about man, what man are we talking about? We will speak of a man who is determined both he and his life by his psychic subject.
Our subject, the psychic subject, will be the subject of emotions and behaviors, the subject of everyday life, the subject who loves, who suffers, who hates, who has ideals, who has illusions, that is our subject. Subject that from Freud - the discoverer of psychoanalysis - passes subject to his unconscious thought. Therefore there is no longer a subject of conscience, nor of perceptions, nor of the tricks of their own reason. But from psychoanalysis there is a subject who speaks, feels in me without my knowing it.
And if not, why do we suffer without knowing or understanding the causes of our suffering?
Psychoanalysis tells us that our conscious thought becomes part of our perceptual apparatus, therefore what I consciously think about my life becomes illusory, as illusory as when I see the sun spinning around the earth. We look at the sun, we realize that it is a star, I do not know its real movement and I confuse it for real, that the sun revolves around the earth, when that is its apparent movement.
I am on the earth and the earth has various movements, including rotation and translation. This makes us perceive the sun circling the earth.
Copernican theory (contrary to Ptolemaic) tells us that this is an illusion of our senses, that what I believe to be true is simply illusory, that what I see is illusory because the real movement is different from what I am seeing.
In the field of psychic phenomena it is the field of the daily life of the subject of the unconscious and we say that everything that can be perceived, felt or thought by the subject in his conscious perceptual apparatus is illusory. He does not love who he says he loves, he does not hate who he says he hates, he does not inhibit himself in the face of what he believes is inhibited, nor does he fail because of what he believes to fail. Illusory. It is for another cause.
From the theory of the Unconscious, things are going to be other things than they are and this is difficult for us to understand when it comes to our lives, because we believe in what we feel and feel more than we think.
The child is born precocious to live, the child is born premature, insufficient, without coordination of his nervous system, without vision, without regulation of his circulatory system, or temperature. The child is born on the brink of death. So on the verge of death is born that the person, a machine that can make the movements that allow him to live, since he cannot perform them, will be the mother function (Narcissistic cell that will speak of such a dependence that it will have as a reward for the child, do not die )
The dependence of the child with this function is not in the function, it is in the prematurity, in the precociousness of the birth of the human cub. The mother function will have the characteristic of the totality, because it is really as a function that of being able to give the child everything he needs in order not to die. Since the child cannot do what other animals can right after being born, for example the chimpanzee.
We are not only little animals when we are born, we are not human because we cannot talk, walk or go to objects that stimulate us. He looks around but cannot reach him. He sees his image in the mirror and cannot even recognize it, something that newborn monkeys can do.
Psychoanalysis deals with that founding moment for man, which is the passage that every human has to go through and is from animality to humanity. The just unconscious is founded on that passage from the animal to the human, hence the animal underlies us.
The intimate relationship with the mother that allows her not to die on that journey, will leave unforgettable traces in us since any anguish, anxiety, fear, was calmed with that hug. This relationship with the mother leaves traces so indelible, so immortal for the subject who suffers them that it will accompany him until his death under the name of unconscious desire. The desire to return, to return to the narcissistic cell, to the stillness, preferring not to do and have everything done, will haunt the human being for life. Not only every claim, not only every demand and need was satisfied, but there was no one else in the world who needed her more than me, only me and that she functioned, she didn't let me die. She had no one in the world she needed and she was the only one who could give the only one she needed. We were not two, we were one.
Only the presence of another in her will make the child come to realize her apart from me, she also needs another to be.
There is a moment where the child, his body and the mother's body are the same body, where he and the other are nothing more than him and his own image.
With the appearance of the father, for some the law, the order, the language, the child will begin to relate to a different mother than the one that was related up to that moment. A mother who in front of him has been discredited for not having everything that corresponded to him, while now she, in addition to him, desires another.
In this way, in order to realize that there are two of us, we have to be three. The child, people do not distinguish their body from the other, but another body appears, the third and here a partition occurs and nothing will be as at the beginning, therefore the child has to maintain two relationships with the mother, one the ideal that she will become unconscious and another real one where she is shared with her brothers, her father, her work and that is why he will love her but also hate her, since she falls prey to the field of jealousy.
They refer to this dissociation, partition, mirror phase as the Oedipus Complex and it is the passage that every human being has to go through to go from animal pup to human. From living close to her to detaching and living in a world where other than him and her are the others. Mythical moment is also the foundation of jealousy.
Por lo tanto vemos que una persona sola no existe, no solo que no existe, sino que no puede constituirse como humano. El psicoanálisis dice que la humanidad no es algo que nace con el hombre, sino que a ella hay que acceder. Todo afán de conseguir las cosas solo es para no aceptar la existencia de los otros, por lo tanto es para negar este momento de partición del sujeto.
If it is through the word that the world and things are known, the word is what constitutes us as people. Language and speech are unconscious, even saying that the unconscious is structured like a language, knowing that what the child learns is what is never modified, what is transmitted from family to family, and it is ideology. And it ends up feeling, loving and suffering from the same as the family, since the ideology has the characteristic of not transforming, they are the concepts, the definitions of what love is, the couple, work, money, the world , life and death. It is as it is, as it has always been. That is the ideology. The established definitions of how things have to be.
Analyzed this way, the possibilities of being one with new combinations are complicated because the human being lives in ideology, hence it is so complex sometimes to do something different from what he has received from the family and from the social because in a way another, everything is ideologically established. If we add the ignorance that the person has of himself, the possibilities decrease when we do not know how to handle the unconscious desire, which although it is our driving force, we must know that all adult desire has a root in a repressed childhood desire.
With the lack of knowledge about oneself, the subject feels that something does not finish maturing in him to the point that we say that if he matures, the self matures but the unconscious remains unchanged at the time because we will see that the unconscious is timeless, hence the Memories, wishes remain unchanged despite the passage of time.
Psychoanalysis establishes that there is a conscious self but at the same time there is an unconscious latent self that exerts a strong hold on consciousness. With the psychoanalytic instrument we will be able to detect the latent structures that overdetermine our way of loving, desiring, working and relating.
We will begin to study psychoanalysis through the Interpretation of Dreams text. Freud chooses dreams to produce the theory of the unconscious because dreaming, we all dream. both healthy and sick people and dreams do not differ in a healthy person from another sick person. Dreaming everyone dreams and the one who does not remember is because he strongly represses his dreams. In dreaming we will see that the man thinks where he is not thought, that he does not think, that the truth is in another place than where he thinks he is, that the symptoms and the way of living that he has in his personality has to do with her repressed childish desires.
Copernicus decended the human being from believing that he was the center of the Universe, Darwin decentered the biological subject by telling him that it was not the center of creation but a link in the chain of living beings and Freud, that consciousness is not the center of the psychic life. These three narcissistic wounds, to this day, are still not accepted by man.
He does not accept that his position in the social system where he lives is determined by forces greater than consciousness. I do NOT choose the social class that I will have, nor if I will be perverse, neurotic or psychotic. I don't choose modality, my personality, I don't choose my job. I am not the one who chooses the bride with whom I am going to marry, nor the woman with whom I will have children, I am not the one who decides the course of my thought, but it is the Other: the unconscious.
In his first thesis of the Interpretation of Dreams, Freud tells us that dreams are interpretable, that is, that they have a meaning for the psychic life of the dreamer. That this meaning does not appear in the dream until after the psychoanalytic interpretation. And from the counted dream we will access the unconscious desire that generated it. From how the person acts or shows himself we can access the unconscious desires that motivate said behavior. The unconscious does not exist until the subject does not speak. Hence, everything that happens to the subject can be deciphered. Since your successes like your failures, they are encrypted and must be deciphered to understand the desire that motivated you.
What is it for?
In this seminar we are going to know the structure of the mind or psychic apparatus. Psychic apparatus that is the same in all people but according to its operation, different types of personality and characters are generated. Therefore, knowing the functioning of our own mind and that of others gives us a valuable and powerful instrument to understand and understand the relationships that we establish in each of the areas of our life and also understand the relationships that people have with their lives.
If we cannot understand the basics of how a human relationship is established, we can hardly understand our love, sexual, work and business relationships.
We will also learn the theory of groups and we will know the energy that binds a group, that unlocks it, but above all we will have within reach an instrument to know how to manage work and business groups. Knowing how to occupy leadership roles, something very complex especially to understand and manage.
We will understand how the mechanisms of art and creation work, because within every human being there is a painter, a singer, a writer, an entrepreneur, a filmmaker, a designer ... art is also an expression of our unconscious, there is only than to let it out and focus it on creation.